Hands off Cuba! the world leaders demand strongly America at the United Nations
Yesterday (30) the international community once again cast their vote in the United Nations General Assembly against the sanctions imposed by Washington against Cuba for more than six decades. At the same time, the United States of America made their own footnote in the United Nations General Assembly session that they would not bow to their world opinion.
In that session, it also a special case that the
representative of the United Nations of the Joe Biden administration was shown
to the world that he was born deaf. The United States even ignored the endorsement
of 187 countries in favor of the resolution on the need to end the embargo which is imposed by the United States against
For the sake of justifying the unjustifiable, The USA also made
sure to repeat the rhetoric of human rights violations to sustain the
unilateral blockade that the US diplomat enforces in Washington.
In this exercise, which is now being repeated for the thirty-second time, the United States of America is isolated with its arch-ally, Israel. Moldavia, the other friend of the United States of America, abstained from voting.
Similarly, during the session of the United Nations General
Assembly held yesterday (30), speakers from many countries highlighted the
glory of Cuba and emphasized that Cuba has become a moral giant in front of the
world beyond its geographical size.
Lanka Lead news website asked the Coordinating Secretary of
Bolivarian Cooperation in Sri Lanka Mr. Jeewantha Jayatissa in this regard.
Below is his comment,
"Resolutions have been adopted by the world community
in thirty-two sessions of the United Nations General Assembly to remove the
economic sanctions imposed by the United States of America on Cuba. But not
even once did the United States bow to the world opinion. This time, Israel
voted against the resolution along with the United States. Israel is a
country that is bombing the heads of Palestinian children even at this moment.
America is giving wonderful support to Israel for that. For a long time, the
behavior of American leaders towards Cuba has been extremely inhumane. Cuba is
not a rich country. They only have moral power and only the strength Cuba has
of unity of the citizens. They stand together in any challenge the nation
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ප්රධාන පුවත්
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එක්සත් ජනපදය නිවැරදි දිශාවට පියවර ගන්නා නමුත්, අවහිර කිරීම තවමත් බලාත්මකයි!- කියුබාවේ විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්යාංශය
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ක්ලීන් ශ්රී ලංකා' ව්යාපෘතිය දියත් කර ඇති මොහොතක තෛපොංගල් සැමරීම සතුටට කරුණක් - ජනාධිපතිතුමාගේ තෛපෝංගල් පණිවිඩය